The Zone

A Near Future Sci-Fi LARP

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A Day In The Life…

Freelancing is a somewhat strange career. Ex-soldiers, mercenaries, security specialists and an endless stream of wannabes are smuggled into a cordoned-off region in North-West England to seek their fortune.

The vast majority of the Zone is open countryside, with the former towns long since fallen into ruins. With the need to remain relatively low profile to avoid satellite surveillance, the vast majority of freelancers sleep rough in the ruins of old farmhouses or in primitive shelters they build themselves. Most of the towns are occupied by government forces or the larger freelancer factions that operate within the Zone. As such, most independents steer clear and live in the wilds.

A freelancer usually has two key concerns. The first is day to day survival and the second is earning money. Some freelancers rely heavily on the various bars and outposts to meet their survival needs, others have learned to forage for food and purify their own water. Those who cannot adequately take care of their own basic needs rarely live very long in the Zone.

Earning money is a matter of finding work and building a reputation for reliability with that work. Many government and corporate scientific teams will hire security, pay freelancers to gather data or materials, or pay to have threats removed from areas of interest. The gangs controlling the smuggling rings will pay to have rivals killed or robbed, to have bandit gangs wiped out or to help expand their territory or influence.

Most freelancers find short-term work at one of the bars, usually the one controlled by the gang that brought them into the Zone. Whilst anyone can find work anywhere, each gang operates their own financial accounts and it can be very expensive to transfer funds earned at one bar to an account at another. Keeping all your money in one place makes retirement much easier.

lore/freelancer.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/10 09:48 by aettles